1) What are the times and venues of the performance?
 Saturday and Sunday March 11-12, 2017. Times and Venues Below. It is good to plan your arrival 10 minutes before the performance times. Each evening performance is in 3 different parts at 3 different sites.

The Park opposite Meta House (on Sothearos Blvd)
Please park your motorbikes or bike at Meta House. If it is full, please park your vehicle at the Phnom Penh Center across from Meta House. You can park your car at some available spaces around the area or at Phnom Penh Center.
Meta House

Tuol Sleng Museum (S-21)
Parking within the campus.

3G Football Court (opposite the Australian Embassy)
Parking within the campus.
3G Football Court

2) Do we need tickets or passes to the performances?
No. The performances are free admission.  Bring anyone. It would be a nice evening experience.

At Tuol Sleng (S-21), you will need to pay the entrance fee if you are a foreigner visiting the museum during the opening hours. After 5.20pm, you can enter by telling the guards that you are coming for the free admission performance.

3) Is there any provided transportation between performance venues?
No arranged transportation between venues. It would be an experience to travel to the next performance venue by yourselves. Thanks for following us.

4) Can I see only one part at one venue?
Yes, of course. Join us at any of the venues you can. However, we encourage you to plan the evening to see all the 3 parts at all three venues. It would be a great site specific performance experience.

5) Parking?
Please see answer to Question 1. The parking fee (or tip) at each venue is usually 1000 rile (USD 0.25) for a motorbike or bike. If you are driving a car, plan to arrive early at each of the venues and the parking fee or tip can be a bit higher.

6) Can I take photos and video?
Yes, you can. No flash photography allowed. However, for the courtesy of the artists and other audience members, we ask you to be respectful. It would be unpleasant for others if you go into the middle of the performance area and take photo or video. Do not lose the opportunity of experiencing the site specific performance because you are too busy taking photo and video.

7) Is there a dress code for the performance?
You can dress whatever convenient for you to sit down on the ground or stand to watch the performance at these public spaces. One of the venues, Tuol Sleng (S-21) is a genocide museum, so it is hoped that visitors have some sense of respect and dress appropriately.

8) I cannot find the venues or more questions?
077945015 or

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